Base CSS for all of Service NSW.
Service NSW package documentation and examples
(Login credentials required)
npm install @servicensw/base --save-dev
How to use
- PostCSS workflow:
@import '@servicensw/base';
- Sass/Eyeglass:
@import 'servicensw-base';
- Native CSS:
@import url('dist/base.css');
- Link tag:
<link href="dist/base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Vanilla JS
The recommended usage is of ES modules, to take advantage of code-splitting.
import Base from "@servicensw/base"
new Base({
":not(.notice) > h2:not(.accordion__title), h3:not(.accordion__title)",
".table--responsive:not(.is-excluded), .page-section table:not(.is-excluded):not(.table--responsive)",
videoTranscriptSelectors: ".transcript:not(.is-excluded)",
makeGlobal: true,
The utilities can also be used independently;
import { Keyboard } from "@servicensw/base"
Legacy usage;
<script src="dist/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- Common JS:
const Base = require("@servicensw/base")
(initialize yourself)
This package includes a variety of JS functionality. This functionality can be access by including dist/base.js
via a script tag, or it can be imported using ES module syntax. See src/base.js
for examples.
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